
Unknown Finns with Dogs


Found here: Tuhat tuntematonta (1 000 Unknown People)
An online exhibition of old photographs by The National Board of Antiquities, Finland.

Salvation Army?

My favourite, she reminds me of all women in my family...

This dog looks like our Priska (1973-1989).


Serious family.

Finally, not a dog, but a kitty and her elegant owner.



  1. Very interesting to see these pictures. I have been trying to look for old Finnish fotographs with dogs to see what is the type of historic land race spitz-type dogs, but they are hard to find. Your blog seems otherwise very interesting and I will have to take a closer look!

  2. Thanks for the visit!

    Yes, the spitz-type working dogs were not photographed as often as the pets of town dwellers. I guess it was a matter of social standing and economy - farmers could maybe afford to take a photo of a prize pig and send it to Suomen Kuvalehti, but maybe not of faithful Halli barking in the yard.

  3. Voi kun Priska oli niin sulonen!
